
Cloud Services

Cloud computing – the greatest server you never had.

Cloud Services

Cloud computing uptake is booming in Australia – and for good reason. It’s secure, with advanced protection and monitoring. It’s scalable, tracking usage so you only pay for what you need. And it’s flexible, allowing teams to login anywhere and anytime, whether collaborating on projects, logging timesheets or serving customers.

Cloud services can also pair with your physical servers or other infrastructure. Ask Gratex how we can boost network capacity by redirecting single or multiple functions to a highly secure, cost-saving cloud environment.

Some reasons your competitors are moving more functions to the cloud include:

Reduced overheads – migration to the cloud translates to less onsite hardware, reduced human resource and fewer managerial hours.  
Scalable capacity – if your business has fluctuating data demands, Gratex’s cloud model lets you tap securely into its remote servers when you need extra bandwidth, and scale back down when needed.
Softfall for inhouse servers – a crashed server means lost productivity for entire teams, lasting several hours or days at a time. When you’re in the cloud, your data, orders, emails and responses are always safe.  
Service plus – moving to the cloud isn’t just about moving from physical to virtual. Automatic software updates, proactive security enhancements and document control are all part of the Gratex service.
Certainty of support – go straight to the source when help is needed. We respond quickly, correctly and on budget.

Browse our cloud-based backup, email, disaster recovery and hosting services:

Cloud Email

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Backup

Cloud Disaster Recovery

Our Clients

Our Partners

Gratex International Australia

Level 6, 1 - 5 Chalmers Crescent
Mascot, NSW 2020
Postal address:
P.O.BOX 7086
Alexandria, NSW 2015
Tel: 1800 111 110 / 02 8335 1100
Fax: (02) 02 8335 1190